Sunday, July 20, 2008

Airing My Dirty Laundry

I wanted to shop today, to walk around and get some exercise. So I went to Ulta and bought some salon shampoo and conditioner and then headed off to Super Stop and Shop to hit the salad bar for lunch. I perused the Starbucks counter and decided "why not?". I got my Mocha Frappacino light, paid for the salad and decided to head to Borders right next door to take advantage of their 40% off CDs coupon. I look down and there it was...three nickel-sized drops of my Frappacino on my nicely bleached, white T-shirt!!! What the F*#!! This will be the third shirt I've had to put on today! The first one was damaged by an overactive pour of liquid make-up. The second was thrown in the laundry bin after I dropped my egg whites on it...unfortunately I like my whites with green taco sauce! Now this? I've decided to become a semi-nudist. It's quite freeing, actually. I'm now walking around the house with my sports bra on and white slippers (my feet hurt--sorry for the visual). That's it. Very low potential of ruining clothes. Granted, I would put some panties on, but here's the thing: I need to wash all of those too. It seems that I've become incapable of removing them before the pee begins to drip out. Sure, I try to wipe the panties with water or soak up the drops, but there's only so many times that can happen before fresh ones are needed. Besides, I'm home alone, so no one can see. Oops...gotta' go...I forgot to close the curtains and the neighbors are out!

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