Tuesday, July 29, 2008

If You Want to Visit...

I think I'm too relaxed about things. I probably don't wash my hands the fifty times you are "supposed to" when handling a newborn. I don't feel the need to sterilize everything the baby touches. Recently, a friend of mine emailed me wanting to set up a visitation date. She jokingly wrote "I can't wait to hold him. You will let me, right?" Below was my response...

Since you would like to hold him, please be able to provide the following:

1) Photo identification.
2) Criminal history report with a copy of a full set of fingerprints.
3) Three letters of recommendation stating years of experience holding infants, years of education received in infant care, and psychological reports on you and your immediate and extended family members. No letters may be written by family members or friends.
4) All articles of clothing worn upon arrival must be washed three times in Dreft and cannot contain remnants of allergens. Clothes will not be provided for you if this expectation cannot be met.
5) Fingernails must be manicured so that nails do not exceed 1/16th of an inch beyond the fingertip. Clear polish only.
6) Shiny jewelry, toys, unique noise-making or any other attention getting contraption will not be tolerated and are therefore prohibited. We wouldn't want to draw his attention away from his mother now, would we?
7) Women must wear a sports bra one full size below their standard wear. This is to deter baby from trying to feed from the wrong person.
8) Men with enlarged breasts must purchase a similar item to achieve same effect as in #7(see Cosmo Kramer for "The Bro").
9) All comments regarding child must be prefaced with phrases such as "This adorable boy...", "He is so lucky because..." and "Girls will melt when they notice..." Visitors must request in writing any additional phrases they wish to preface their statements with at least 48 hours ahead of scheduled appointment.
10) All comments regarding the mother, her pregnancy and/or her post-partum state must include phrases complimenting her with such terms as "exceptional", "phenomenal", "sexy", "hot" and "inspirational".
Failure to complete any of the above will immediately result in eviction from the property and from the life of both mother and child effective immediately. I look forward to your arrival.

Robbie's Arrival: July 23, 2008!

1) My dad called the night before the induction and sang, "The sun (son) will come out tomorrow/bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow/there'll be sun (son)...Just thinking about/tomorrow..." etc., etc.. I needed the laugh.
2) 5:30am: Drove through viscious storms to arrive at L&D at 6am.
3) 7am: 1cm dialated. Received pitocin.
4) 7:30: Still no pain but now at 4cm. Because things are progressing quickly, Doc orders epidural.
5) 7:50: Anesthesiologist begins epidural procedure. Due to excessive swelling (yes, even in my spine) he struggled.
6) 8:25: Epidural complete. To his credit, anesthesiologist states he's worried because I felt tingling too quickly.
7) 10am: No change in dilation. Disappointed.
8) 10:30: Doc breaks water to move things along. Doc chit chats with hubby telling him what a saint he is to be married to me. "No matter what wrong you do in your life, you're going to heaven because you're married to her. From the moment she walked into my office, she let me know who was in charge...and it wasn't me." Okay...maybe I've been too proactive.
9) 12:00pm or so: Six cm.
10) 1:30: Turn on Yankee game to help pass the time. Doc and hubby sit and watch the game.
11) 2:45: Doc tells me I'm fully dialated and asks if I can wait until the game is over before we begin pushing. He and hubby laugh and then proceed to sit down to watch the game.
12) 2:50: I ask Doc and hubby if I needed to turn off the TV to get the show on the road.
13) 2:53: Pushing began.
14) 3:06: Robbie arrives!
15) 3:15: I about vomit as I watch the doctor sew what seems to be a quilt down below. He later states it was "just a couple of stitches". So much for perineal massage.
16) 5:00: Spinal headache began do to epidural going "too far". The worst migraine I've ever had. Drugs didn't work, hydration didn't work. Was informed of a last ditch effort to relieve the pressure build up. Have to make decision whether I should "ride it out because it may go away in a week or so" or to do the procedure.
11) 35 hours after Robbie's arrival (1:30amThursday night/Friday morning): a different anesthesiologist and a nurse arrive to do what is called a blood patch. They withdrew 18CC's of my own blood, went back into my spine and injected me with blood to try to create a clot to stop the leakage. I seriously wouldn't wish a blood patch on my worst enemy. It really sucked.
12) Discharged Friday afternoon and I've arrived home to enjoy a family of four!

Monday, July 21, 2008

McKenna's Point of View

Life through the eyes of a six year old is simple. Everything falls into a neat, little compartment that they've created in their minds. My daughter is no different, especially when it comes to my pregnancy.

McKenna: So, where do you get the milk from?

Me: Well, the woman's body has the right hormones and chemistry that it makes milk on it's own. We're like cows that way.

McKenna: Boys aren't like that, right? They're more like pigs. They just get dirty!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Airing My Dirty Laundry

I wanted to shop today, to walk around and get some exercise. So I went to Ulta and bought some salon shampoo and conditioner and then headed off to Super Stop and Shop to hit the salad bar for lunch. I perused the Starbucks counter and decided "why not?". I got my Mocha Frappacino light, paid for the salad and decided to head to Borders right next door to take advantage of their 40% off CDs coupon. I look down and there it was...three nickel-sized drops of my Frappacino on my nicely bleached, white T-shirt!!! What the F*#!! This will be the third shirt I've had to put on today! The first one was damaged by an overactive pour of liquid make-up. The second was thrown in the laundry bin after I dropped my egg whites on it...unfortunately I like my whites with green taco sauce! Now this? I've decided to become a semi-nudist. It's quite freeing, actually. I'm now walking around the house with my sports bra on and white slippers (my feet hurt--sorry for the visual). That's it. Very low potential of ruining clothes. Granted, I would put some panties on, but here's the thing: I need to wash all of those too. It seems that I've become incapable of removing them before the pee begins to drip out. Sure, I try to wipe the panties with water or soak up the drops, but there's only so many times that can happen before fresh ones are needed. Besides, I'm home alone, so no one can see. Oops...gotta' go...I forgot to close the curtains and the neighbors are out!

My Fantasy Rant to OB/Gyn

Welcome to my blog. After some encouragement from friends, I've decided to begin publishing some of my thoughts and attitudes regarding my pregnancy. Considering I'm due anyday at this point, I guess it's a good way to pass the time. I'm completely over the whole "nesting" concept. Screw it...let my house look like crap.

This was written in my second trimester of pregnancy.

Doctor: How’s it going?

Me: How is it going? Well, it depends on how you are feeling today. If you are in the ‘I really can’t wait to listen to my patients today’ kind of mood, I’ll tell you. If you are in the ‘The weather’s getting warmer and I can’t wait to hit the links. Patients are such a pain in the ass’ kind of mood, I’ll tell you I’m fine. So which is it, doc?

Doc: (pause…pause) Tell me what’s going on.

Me: Well, sir, I’ll tell you. After lying in bed for eight hours, only four or five of which I was actually sleeping, I run to the bathroom hoping not to leak on the way. Once I’m done, I follow your orders and lie back down in bed to put on clean underwear and slip on my vulva supporter…you know, that sixty dollar not-covered-by-insurance contraption that’s basically a jock strap for women, which was no doubt created by a man because all it really does is chafe my inner thighs. The thing doesn’t prevent the blood flowing to varicosities whatsoever; it just rests there looking like a transvestite’s dream. At least they took the time to put decorative lace on the front so I can tell if it’s inside out or not. Once it’s tightly adjusted, I reach over and slap my husband for laughing and I painstakingly get out of bed. I get dressed, but only after I use the body adhesive glue you suggested to keep my compression stockings from falling down. Did I tell you that when I take them off it’s more painful than getting a Brazilian bikini wax, an act I can’t even imagine doing right now? Think about if you had chest hair removed, sir. I finish getting dressed, then I get my six year old ready for school, drop her off and drive 45 minutes to a job where I’m on my feet all day. With each step, the veins remind me that I’m going to be 40 this year. Not just the veins in the legs…I’m talking about the ones in my vulva. Quite frankly, sir, I feel like I have a pinched nerve in my pussy. Imagine if every step you took, every time you got up from a chair or every time you rolled over in bed, someone grabbed your testicles and twisted them. That’s what it feels like. Oh! And lately, that feeling has been entering the walls of my vagina. Not like, “Oh baby, that’s close to my G-spot,”…no. It’s more like “Holy crap, I want my epidural now!” By noon, my ankles have turned into cankles. I’ve taken off my wedding ring, because my fingers are beginning to swell and I don’t want them chopping it off. Lucky for me, I now get the “Oh, look at her. She’s pregnant and single,” look from strangers at Starbucks. Yes, Starbucks. I’m drinking caffeine. One small latte a day, that’s it. I need to, you see, because caffeine is my only vice left. Usually, I drink wine or masturbate, but with the pinched nerve in my pussy, masturbation is not exactly an option and I’d like to wait until my third trimester before I start kicking back some wine every night. Anyway, after I teach a bunch of 13-year olds all day, I race home to pick up my daughter because my husband just started his second straight season of coaching and he doesn’t get home until 8:30 or so. She and I go over homework, I make an attempt at dinner, and I have to remind her why I can’t chase her outside or play tag or baseball. She says, “Oh yeah…the pain in your poonie”. That’s what we call it. It’s Caribbean and it’s much better than ‘vagina’. Once she’s in bed, I lose some more skin cells by ripping off my stockings. I take off my jock strap and stare in wonder at my newly engorged breasts that are spilling out of my bra. I shower, since I’m not allowed to do it in the morning, per your orders. Oh! I once made the mistake of using my compact mirror to look at my vulva. It looks bruised…it’s no longer rosy pink. It’s purple. I then lie down in bed, stuff a small pillow underneath my lower back and sleep for an hour or two before I wake up to the pinching-pussy because I need to switch positions. Furthermore, every Friday I break into tears because I’m exhausted and quite frankly, sir, if I have to work until the end of June, I’ve estimated that I will have drunk about six bottles of wine, denied my husband sex for ten straight months and sue your ass for causing our divorce. So, that being said, may I please go on bedrest?

I did end up having a very similar conversation with my doc. He laughed to a professional level and our relationship has not been the same since.